Antonio Simón only produces certified organic honey from Spain and Portugal, directly from the hives to the container, without any additional treatment or process

The organic honey production process

The Organic Honey Production Process

Organic honey is a natural and healthy product that is obtained from the hive through a careful and environmentally friendly production process.

Table of Contents

Location of the hives

The selection of the location of the hives is obviously one of the most critical processes for organic beekeeping. Locations in rural and wild areas predominate, far from any source of contamination. In this sense, protected natural spaces are of particular interest. The European regulation of organic farming obliges to keep the hives with a minimum distance of 3 km from crop fields, industries, population centers or any other source of contamination.

Bee care

Organic beekeepers use natural hive management techniques and avoid the use of chemicals to keep the bees healthy.

The feeding of the bees: It is essential that the bees feed only on the honey and pollen that they themselves produce to comply with the organic certification. The use of glucose, or any other food or flavor enhancer, cannot be used since these affect the final flavor of the honey at the same time that they produce a notable loss of quality.

Treatment of pests and diseases: Before any pest or disease; As well as during preventive cures in the hive, natural treatments or ecological drugs authorized by the health agencies must be used. These leave no residue and are based on active plant ingredients. In this way, chemical products should never be used, neither phytosanitary products nor antibiotics, since these would pass into the honey and later on to people.

The health authorities carry out an annual follow-up to verify the application of drugs. The beekeeper must avoid the presence of residues of acaricides and antibiotics in honey and pollen.

Organic honey production

During the blooming season, bees collect nectar from flowers and take it back to the hive to produce honey. Organic beekeepers only harvest the honey when it is ripe, avoiding any damage to the hives.

Once harvested, the honey is filtered and packaged without being pasteurized or heat treated to preserve all of its nutrients and natural healing properties. Plus, no artificial sugars or preservatives are added.

Organic honey is a superior quality product that offers a unique flavor and a large number of health benefits, such as its high content of antioxidants and antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Also, by choosing organic honey, you are supporting local beekeepers and contributing to the preservation of bees and their natural habitat.

Organic honey certification

The organic honey production process is careful and respectful of the environment, from the selection of the location of the hives, their responsible care and finally the harvest and packaging of the honey.

In this sense, the EU certificate on organic farming guarantees the highest quality of products and 100% organic and sustainable production.

The activity produced by beekeeping contributes to the protection of the environment and agroforestry production through the pollinating action of bees.

Where to buy Organic Honey?

Honey Antonio Simón produces a wide variety of organic honey that you can buy from this website

  • Raw Organic Honey

    Raw Organic Rosemary Honey

    Rated 0 out of 5
    7,20 12,00 
  • Raw Organic Honey

    Raw Organic Thyme Honey

    Rated 0 out of 5
    7,20 12,00 
  • Raw Organic Honey

    Raw Organic Lavender Honey

    Rated 0 out of 5
    7,20 12,00 
  • Raw Organic Honey

    Raw Organic Oak Honey

    Rated 0 out of 5
    7,20 12,00 
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